
Reason for head job

I'll show you why i need head job a.k.a porting and polish for Suzuki G16 MPI 16V SOHC. There is some rough casting on intake manifold, as engine need smooth air flow this should be removed. and, there is distinct ridge on intake valve on transition between casting process and machining process.exhaust manifold.. in chamber, there is manufacturing defect, can do nothing for this. but for this can.. there is small area for unshrouding valve seat, it's dangerous as it can reduce compression ratio. and some port matching.


Bromo View

Bromo via Penanjakan. Semeru on background. Strange ? or extreme ? Sunrise view from Penanjakan Driving at lautan pasir. VS giant.. Toy car If you think your FJ and VES is strong enough, think again, there is Daihatsu Hijet between the FJ.


Replacing front disc brake pad

It's just routine. Replacing your brake pads when its already thin. Loosen caliper bolt. Thin pad. Use C Clamp to put the caliper cylinder back on zero position. Dont use hammer or other tools, or you will damage the caliper. New meat... You must replace both Left-Right brake pads.